Huzzah! The first sketches for Sophichkin’s Lighthouse are in! Here’s a little taste, just for the faithful…

Huzzah! The first sketches for Sophichkin’s Lighthouse are in! Here’s a little taste, just for the faithful…
There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin. One morning while making breakfast, her daddy discovered that they were out of milk. Seeing as you cannot make proper cereal without milk, Sophichkin suggested that they drive to the grocery store to get some. “That’s a mighty fine suggestion!” …
Once up on a time, there was nothing. This was a long time ago, before there were words like “long time ago” or “boring.” Then came a word. From the nothing, suddenly there was an I. This I, all by itself, didn’t amount to much. It didn’t even know it …
There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin. One night as she prepared for sleep, Sophichkin heard a noise coming from under her bed. It was not a very beddy sounding sound. It was also not a blankety sound. It definitely was not doggy sound or a catty …
The kind folks over at Storytime Pup have created and posted a video of their titular pup reading Sophichkin Meets a Mermaid on the Storytime Pup YouTube Channel! Please check it out, like it, love it, call it sweet names and subscribe!
There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin. She woke up one morning and looked out of her bedroom window. It was raining outside. Sophichkin saw the cold drops fall from the grey sky. She watched the cars full of very serious grown ups rushing to their …
There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin. Sophichkin woke up one morning after dreaming about a very pretty mermaid swimming in the deep blue sea. She decided that she would very much like to meet a mermaid that day. It was a day for meeting mermaids! Sophichkin …
There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin. Sophichkin woke up one morning and thought it would be a fantastic day to take a long walk with her daddy. They loved to meander together talking about this and that and that and this and playing silly games with …
There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin. One sunny morning she went for a walk downtown with her daddy. There were people of all sorts walking to and fro, here and there. Sophichkin liked walking in the sun with her daddy, and especially enjoyed looking at all …
There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin. One morning as she woke, Sophichkin’s daddy called from downstairs. “Sophichkin, wake up! It’s time to get ready for school!” Sophichkin did not hear her daddy calling. She was still quite busy being sleepy and arriving at morning time in …
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