There once was a little girl. Her name was Sophichkin.
One night as she prepared for sleep, Sophichkin heard a noise coming from under her bed. It was not a very beddy sounding sound. It was also not a blankety sound. It definitely was not doggy sound or a catty sound. What kind of sound could it be? If it wasn’t the bed, the floor, the blanket, the dog or the cat, surely it must be a monster! It had been a rather monstery type sound, she decided.

The very idea of a monster making monstery sounds under her bed frightened Sophichkin very much. With a monster making noise under her bed, she’d never be able to get to sleep. Then she remembered that singing happy songs was a good way to scare off monsters.
So Sophichkin sang a song about twinkly little stars to herself. It was a pretty song, one that she enjoyed singing very much. The monster heard her singing, and he did not like it at all. Monsters do not like twinkly little stars, not one bit. But he was not scared away. He was a rather stubborn monster, it turned out. Surely, another song would do the trick!

So Sophichkin sang another song to herself, this time about rainbows. She sang it in a silly froggy voice because she knew that froggies love rainbows. The monster again heard Sophichkin’s song. This time he was quite frightened by it, but still he did not leave. What a stubborn monster!
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