Mountains, Mermaids and Amazons, Oh My!

Mountains, Mermaids and Amazons, Oh My!

Lots of things going on recently!  I’ve rearranged things quite a bit and opened the site to the public now that Sophichkin Meets a Mermaid is available in Kindle format on Amazon.  I’m so excited by this news that I’ve even set up an Amazon Author page for myself.  I guess that means I’m famous n’ stuff now.  All blog posts here will be mirrored there int he future.

Work on Sophichkin’s Mountain continues, with the always wonderful Milana Samarskaya.  By my count, we’re 7/12 of the way done now.  I hope to have something finished by the end of 2016.  Keep your fingers crossed!

I mentioned working with some additional illustrators in my last post.  Things are moving forward on that front, with two or three stories in the protected area of the site beginning in earnest.  I’ll keep you posted here as things progress.

Finally, I’m exploring some print options right now for those of you who simple must hold a dead tree in your hand as you read.  A rather well known publishing company has expressed interest, and I’m currently weighing the benefits of this route versus self publishing.  Either direction is exciting and opens up lots of new possibilities for Sophichkin and her adventures.

Until next time, please always be honest and never stop bargaining in good faith with destiny.
